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Adult Textiles
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WINNER TEXTILES ADULT "Windows to the Ship of Fools" by Livonne Larkins
This headdress and costume describes the life of a friend and local artist. It tells of her coming from England and the life she has built for herself here in Australia. She has had many careers in her life, but all artistic in some way. This work is inspired by the body of work she has made throughout her life. The ship of fools denotes the journey we make in life, carrying our baggage with us throughout. Homes often represent ourselves and this piece describes the transformation from teacher to florist to artist, all the while, continuing on the journey of life over sometimes rough waters.

HIGHLY COMMENDED "Finding Balance" by Adelaide Worcester
As part of my recovery, I join others in a trauma-sensitive yoga session each week. Here I am offering myself a lunging, stretching shape. I notice my body is breathing. There is no right or wrong way to practise yoga in MY body today. This work represents finding the balance between living in the past and being grounded in the present moment. I am working to honour my past experiences. But finding peace in the present moment – through yoga or art-making – is as exquisite as meeting a beautiful bird in the wild.

WINNER PEOPLES' CHOICE "The Birds and the B" by K
Every afternoon I unwind by spending 'mindless' time with my chickens, they are the most delightful, entertaining little prehistoric beasties, creating this artwork was just as delightful, being constantly reminded of my happy place with my 'girls'

"I'm OK" by Barefoot Painter
“I’m OK!” is a mixed media pop art inspired piece reflecting on the challenges of the ego and sense of self we face in this constantly evolving world. Inspired by NIKE brand Just do it! I wanted to illustrate resilience in each individual symbolised as a shoe walking through life. Set backs failures personal inequities. Nothing is perfect, that’s OK! I’M OK And you Friend are definitely OK! Often in life for many of us struggling with psychological warfare, the ultimate goal is for freedom from negative thought processes and self acceptance. We are all OK in our own way and each of us is unique. We have traits and colours we bring to this world making it what it is!

"Post Traumatic Growth 3" by Michelle Exhales
Hiya, my name is Michelle. I’m a psychologist and artist. I have the traits of ‘sensory processing sensitivity’, ‘high sensation seeking’, 'hyperphantasia' and have experienced post-traumatic growth. I refer to myself as a ‘creative contemplative artist’ because I make art as a meditation, a contemplation, an act of kindness and a prayer. I make art as a way of investigating and understanding my own nature and the nature of the cosmos. And just for the fun and joy of it!

"Serendipitous Encounter" by Suba Bale
My textile work was created as an acrylic on canvas painting and then the painting was printed on a polyester fabric. It is a versatile piece of fabric 140 cm x 90cm. It has many uses......

"A Joyful Celebration of Light" by Michelle Murtha
The dress is designed to make people smile with colourful, flowing fabrics and lots of sparkle. A great deal of delicate hand-sewing goes into making this dress appear effortless and ethereal.

"What We See" by Tamsyn McGrouther
This year I have surprisingly spent a lot of time with fabric and weaving with recycled materials so when I found the perfect weaving frame on the side of the road I wanted to make something crazy.

"The Happy Sorcerer" by Monique Donaldson
This costume was made using a various collection of patterns and sewing techniques, it is both machine and hand sewed. The headdress is a skullcap with horn detailing, the belt skirt is Velcro attached. The boots are second hand and painted and go with the outfit as it is pants.

"Dream Weaver" by Rose Fitzpatrick
When I worked at the gingerbread house 6 years ago, one of the lovely waitresses had us over for a girls' night, dream catcher making night. Was a great night and I made this using my favourite colours, green and blue. Was a good skill to learn.

"The Future is Uncertain" by Ivy Grant
Remnant thread, ribbon and fabric on found photograph.

"Jessica Jumper" by Suzanne Brown
I knitted this jumper over a year. My daughter Jessica was mentally unwell throughout that time and spent many months in a psych ward. Knitting this jumper helped me cope with the trauma of seeing how unwell my daughter was. Following a complex pattern helped keep my mind focussed on staying present.
Other Galleries: Adult Art | Youth Art | Adult Photography | Youth Photography | Adult Sculpture | Youth Sculpture
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