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* Each Writer may submit up to one written piece in each of the two categories - Poems and Short Stories.
* For each of the two Literature categories, there will be an Adult and a Youth category.
* Poems must be a maximum of 350 words. Short Stories must be a maximum of 1000 words.
* Written work must be the original work of the entrant and not previously entered in Blue Fringe.
* Written work must be submitted as a Word document or a PDF document via the Entry Form below
* All entries will be collated and printed in the Blue Fringe 2020 Art & Literature book which will be gifted to entrants and available to purchase at cost price
* All entries will be published on the official Blue Fringe website.
Please submit your Literature Entry via the online form below. Please call Belong Blue Mountains on 4754 3886 if you have any queries or need help to complete your submission.

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