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FESTIVAL 23-26 Oct 2024

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 "Surrender" by Jenni Mills
Bring your ready to hang-artwork along to
to either of the Drop Off Days

Wentworth Falls TAFE

18th October 12pm-4pm or

21st October between 10-12pm. 




18th October 12pm-4pm or

21st October between 10-12pm. 


Saturday 26th October 10am - 2pm

Literature Readings 11am

PICK UP - Close of exhibition

2pm Saturday 26th October. No artwork can  be stored awaiting collection.

A big "thank You" to Panthers Glenbrook Bowling Club, through the Clubs Grants program, made a generous donation to support Blue Fringe Arts.
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Feature Artist 2024

Karen Stevenson

The Blue Fringe Arts and Literature Committee is excited to introduce the Feature Artist this year, the very talented Karen Stevenson. Throughout the exhibition visitors will be able to view some of her diverse range of artworks across a range of media.

Karen was born in England and emigrated to Australia with her family in 1973. Karen studied art at the Stanley Street School of Art in South Australia after completing high school, but the lure of the dollar was more enticing, and left art college after only 18 months. Karen’s interest in Art was reignited in 2012 whilst undertaking a Community services course at Tafe. Part of the course was to participate in the running of the Blue Fringe Exhibition. Karen also entered her first painting that year, (against her teachers judgement)!, believing the stigma around mental health needed to be heard, and was awarded Artists choice for her acrylic painting of a bushfire scene. The image was created using finger painting, unable to hold paint brushes after a life changing operation to remove a row of bones in her wrist. Karen doesn’t have a favourite medium, but chooses to create in sculpture, painting, sketching, mosaics, textiles and printmaking, taking inspiration from nature, including wildlife and the beautiful Blue Mountains scenery……..and her chickens. At 47, Blue Fringe was Karen’s first attempt at exhibiting her artwork, and after receiving Artist choice, was encouraged to continue along the ‘art path’. Successfully exhibiting in mostly Blue Mountains exhibitions, including Artfest, Blackheath Art Show, BM Art Prize, Springwood Art Show and continuing to participate in Blue Fringe. In 2022, after much deliberation, Karen chose to exhibit a very personal artwork, a sculpture depicting a lifetime of bullying (including school bullying, sexual harassment at work and very personal DV). Her belief that people do not need to ‘know’ and be influenced by the ‘intricacies’ was challenged. Her sculpture was awarded the BMCC Visual Arts Prize.   Karen has a long history of volunteering, including, Blue Fringe for the past 12 years, both as an exhibiting artist and an active member of the committee, a member of the State Emergency Service for over 30 years, RFS for 4 years, President of the Blue Mountains Women’s Shed for 5 years and the Guide Dog Puppy raising program, presently doing temporary care. She also has a therapy dog, for complex PTSD, who provides great relief on the ‘dark days’. With numerous physical complaints, a single mum of a 20 year old daughter and with her mum interstate, life has been challenging, but with her art (when motivated) it can make a dark day a whole lot brighter.

Celebrating the creativity of people with a lived experience of mental health. Promoting the benefits of creativity and conection for mental health & wellbeing.

Blue Fringe Categories - Adult and Youth


Monetary prizes to be awarded for each category. 

All entries to be submitted online via this website

Art - Instructions, Terms and Conditions

Literature - Terms and Conditions

The festival would not be possible without the support of many generous local people and businesses over the years.  The Blue Mountains City Council has also been a long time supporter of the Festival and recognises the important cultural role the event plays in our community and in generating positive conversations around mental health.

The Blue Fringe Art and Literature Committee acknowledges the Dharug and Gundungurra Peoples as the traditional owners of the land on which we create, connect and share.

Background "Brain Fog" by Dan Bennett

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Panthers Glenbrook

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We would like to acknowledge the generous support from the local businesses listed here. In addition, the Organising Committee for Blue Fringe is made up of workers from Springwood Neighbourhood Centre, Belong Blue Mountains and a very committed and passionate team of wonderful volunteers.  

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